Results transverse incision of cesarotomy takes more time than longitudinal incision of cescarotomy, but the rate of success by forceps dilivery is high, parturient recover more quickly after caesarian operation, and the wound is small and tidy. 结果横切口剖宫产较纵切口剖宫产手术时间长,产钳助产率高,但产后恢复快,疤痕小,美观。
But came back from the hospital today, ascend once the lesson of the noon, I have a little uncomfortable, the surgical operation leave of the wound hasn't yet matched more, a trifle and painful. 可是今天从医院回来,上了一下午的课,我有点不舒服了,手术留下的创口还没有愈合,有点疼。
Results After operation, no wound infection, symptoms of meningitis and tic in all cases occurred. The behavior of all rabbits was normal. 结果术后无伤口感染、脑膜炎及抽搐现象,行为及进食无异常变化。
It can shorten the wound healing time and reduce the graft operation and accelerate the wound healing. 能缩短病程,减少植皮手术,加速愈合。
Conclusion Meticulous observation and effective nursing care of scalp biopsy on hair-loss patients can significantly improve the success rate of the operation and accelerate the wound healing. 结论对脱发患者头皮组织活检术进行细致的观察及有效的护理对提高头皮组织活检手术的成功率和加快伤口愈合有重要的意义。
After operation, the wound bleeding and the recovery time were evaluated. 结果:实验组患者术后饮食、精神恢复早,出血少。
Further smear were performed after the wound were treated, and patients with positive smear results received operation on wound. 创面处理后再次行分泌物涂片筛查,阳性者予以再手术治疗。
Nurse the Perineal Operation: Direct sprayed the wound after the operation and cover the wound with wet gauze dy sprayed. 会阴侧切术护理:术后用本品直接喷洒于伤口,并将纱布喷湿后覆盖伤口。
Aim: To develop a diaplastic applicance used for the fracture of zygomatic arch in cheekbone which possesses characteristics such as precise diaplasis, simple operation, minor wound and no scar. 目的:研制一种对颧骨颧弓骨折复位准确、操作简单、创伤小、不留疤痕的骨折复位治疗器。
The Performance Analysis and System Design of the Synchronization Operation for Wound Rotor Induction Motors 异步电动机同步化运行的性能分析和系统设计
Results All the cases are tracked from 6 months to 30 years. The tension-free-repair had the advantage of less operation wound, rapid recovery, light pain, low recurrence rate and has complications. 结果102例患者获得6个月~3年随访,无张力疝修补术具有手术创伤小,恢复快,术后疼痛轻,复发率低及其它并发症少等优点。
Results Surgical operation, wound, infection, metabolism of electrolyte turbulence, malnutrition, various disease coexist, the medical side effect etc. is the important and dangerous factor to bring on the patients in the elderly with phrenitis. 结果手术、创伤、感染、代谢、电解质紊乱、营养不良,多种疾病并存,药物副作用等是引起老年患者谵妄的重要危险因素。
FPG, plasma glucose two hours after glucose load ( 2hPG), urine ketone, hypoglycemia, days to use antibiotics, and days of operation wound healed were observed. 观察手术中血糖、手术后FPG、餐后2h血糖、尿酮体、低血糖反应、使用抗生素的天数,伤口愈合天数等。
Months after operation, the wound healed, and cervix were velvet and got normal shape. 术后2月创面愈合,宫颈光滑,形态正常。
Conclusions The reaction of higher insulin after operation wound is probably caused by insulin resistance. 结论手术创伤后出现高胰岛素反应,为胰岛素抵抗所致;
After the operation there was wound hematoma in 1 case; wound infection in 4 cases; cutaneous necrosis in 3 cases; 术后创口血肿1例,创口感染4例,皮肤坏死3例,导线心内残留3例,感染性心内膜炎死亡1例。
Results: 298 cases were successful. Only 7 cases were turned to paunch operation. Postoperative wound infection occured in 2 cases, and pulmonary infection in 1 case, choledocholithiasis in 2 cases None complicated bile duct injury. 结果:成功298例,中转开腹7例,切口感染2例,肺部感染1例,胆总管残余结石2例,全组无1例胆管损伤。
Conclusions: Many benign gynecologic diseases can be treated by laparoscopic operation with less wound, quicker recovery and lower risk of postoperative complications. 结论:腹腔镜手术创伤小、恢复快、术后并发症少,可施行于大部分妇科良性疾病。
Conclusion No obvious affection of the early chemotherapy after breast cancer operation to wound cure. 结论乳腺癌术后早期化疗对伤口的愈合无明显影响。
Conclusion Transvaginal resection of non-prolapse of uterus is a safe and an effective operation with less wound and rapidly get well. 结论非脱垂子宫经阴道切除是一种有效和安全的手术,创伤小,恢复快;
The infected positions were the lower respiratory tract, the upper respiratory tract, the operation wound and the urinary tract mainly. 主要感染部位为下呼吸道感染、上呼吸道感染、手术伤口及泌尿道感染。
Conclusions Ultrasound Thrombolysis can reduce the operation wound, lessen the complication, and achieve a comparatively satisfactory revascularization, especially fit for elderly patients. 结论对于溶栓失败的腋-锁骨下静脉血栓病人,超声消融术可以降低手术创伤,减少手术并发症,达到较满意的血管通畅率,且重复操作性强,尤其适合老年病人。
Results Multiple factor analysis showed the serum level of both TNF α and sIL 2R is correlated with seriousness of the infection, operation wound and irritability. 结果多因素分析显示:二者水平均与腹腔重度感染有关(sIL-2R:P<0.001,TNF-α:P<0.001);与手术创伤和机体应激有关。
Objective To examine the efficacy of suturing, electrical coagulating and spreading biological fibrin glue ( BFG) on the operation wound surface through thoracoscopy in the treatment of intractable pneumothorax. 目的探讨胸腔镜下生物蛋白胶喷涂辅以缝合、电灼治疗难治性气胸的可行性和疗效。
Objective To probe into the advantages and effects of the operation on the wound of the penetrated cornea and sclera with the method of accessorial incision at the corneal margin plus sodium hyaluronate. 目的探讨在角巩膜穿孔伤修复手术中,采用角膜缘辅助切口加透明质酸钠的效果。
The operating room was established to reduce infection rates during surgery as much as possible, while the control key is to avoid postoperative infection rates during the operation wound infection. 洁净手术室的设立是为了尽可能的降低手术过程中的感染率,而控制术后感染率的关键在于避免手术过程中切口的感染。
The surgical operation therapy has wound greatly, the sufferers will not easily accept. 西医手术疗法具有创伤大的特点,患者多不易接受。
Treating complications in perioperative period 、 specification operation and preventing wound infection are key to reduce recurrence rate and complications. 围手术期积极治疗合并病、手术中严格规范操作、防治切口感染是降低术后复发率、减少术后并发症的关键。